Sunday, 26 September 2021







An educator should be innovative, creative, imaginative and spontaneous in his or her approach.  It has been observed and documented that individual with autism spectrum disorder have certain special interests 1 which they are fixated to, almost through their early years of learning and some may have these interests as obsessions through the lives too.

The main objective of writing this article is to develop alternate forms of learning for persons with Autism. We can do it through INTEREST INTEGRATED INTERVENTION in a story telling format for all age groups. These could be books, apps or videos.

In all these years, the educators, therapists and parents have used these interests as rewards or reinforcers to teach the concepts of Cognition, Activities of Daily Living etc. This article aims to explore the use of these obsessive special interests as the key elements/ objects/activities to diversify learning in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

In general, the learning styles2 are preferred in seven different ways; theses are, Visual, Aural, Verbal, Physical, Logical, Social and Solitary. All these have been present in a person with Autism too.

Moreover, individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders have a strong associative memory which can easily be harnessed to enhance learning.

If all these or some of these can be used in integrated3 form and worked upon, one can augment the general pace of learning.

We already have some very strong evidences for such learning and one such example is
Dr. Temple Grandin, who had a special interest in animals and their behaviors and she is a
Ph. D. in the same field.

Based on the facts mentioned as the rationale, it is presumed that the individual with Autism has some previous knowledge about the Special Interest; this knowledge is the baseline to develop the methodology.

Learning is all about making connections; these could be Human and Social Connections, connecting with self, connecting with past, present and future, connecting of concepts, connecting of objects with one another and creating, connecting with internet and other human networks. Each connection enhances wisdom and this helps one apply the knowledge in real life. Finally, one becomes self-reliant.

Developmental Methodology will be followed by the integration of following elements

1.     Story Telling format

·       Provides visuals- illustrations

·       Is spoken- can be customized

·       Can retrieve information easily.

·       Rewarding

2.     Use of Principles and Methods of Special Education

·       Concrete to abstract

·       Big to Small

·       Simple to complex

·       Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)

3.     Modalities of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders

·       learn through the medium of audio visuals

·       learn through the real-life situations

·       learn through the association to events

·       learn through the pattern recognition

·       Possess an eye for detail

·       Like predictability or scheduled tasks/routines


The entire development of this intervention can be done for an individual or for a group.


As it is obvious from the above two images that so many areas of cognition can be taught. Here, a focus is made on General Knowledge, Language, Math, History, Science, Environment, Economics and Art. Further, one can teach Invention of Trains, Routes and Schedules, Navigation, Geography, Services offered in train, People as friends and service providers and so many other things in the category of General Knowledge.

Each one of these areas must carry illustrations which are in 2D formats while teaching. The same must be brought in the stage of symbols and later in abstract form where assessment and evaluation of the learning can be measured.

These are further developed into the guiding books/apps/videos for the teachers and parents to further imagine and create more based on the individual’s capacity of learning.

These things will further help one assess the deeper interest area of each student and the same can be strengthened later; for example- a child shows more interest in the parts of engine, its functioning etc, one can focus on teaching more about Machines, their types, manufacturing, usage, repairs etc. This can become the livelihood of this student at an appropriate age.

Interest Integrated Intervention is an innovative method of teaching individual with Autism; it aims at simplifying the pedagogy, following the modalities of the affected and bringing out the best out of them. The final efforts must include the transition in to mainstream learning.

The example used in this article is of Trains being the special interest or the obsession. One may find many, such as love for animals, water, colors, music, numbers, calendars, aroma, cooking, celebrities, logos and patterns in nature or surroundings.

Individuals with Autism are simple, orderly and honest human beings, it is the creativity and the vigil eye of the care giver, teacher or a therapist, which can unfold, reinforce and harness the potentials and bring them to the bright spot.


1 . Special Interests-

2. Learning Styles-

3. Integrated Learning Strategies-


Conceptualized through experiential learning by –
Kavita Sharma, Special Educator,
Hon. Secretary, The Serrendip


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